Purpose. Passion. Performance.
Puberty 101: Menarche female athlete menarche menstruation period puberty Nov 08, 2022

Hey Just Tri Tribe!

We're back with another "Puberty 101" mini series post. This series stems from the concept of change. We all know change is inevitable, yet we get accustomed to our bodies being, looking, and performing in certain ways. The journey through life is about constant change and...

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How We Talk About Menstruation Matters female athlete menstrual cycle menstruation period Jul 11, 2022

Happy Monday, Just Tri babes!

This week is all about exposing the stigma and shame around menstruation within our culture. One of Just Tri Performance's goals is to bring normalcy around menstruation in coaching and client circles.

When I first began this journey, whenever I said the words...

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